Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Pastor Beaten and Robbed in Crenshaw District of Los Angeles.

Press Release;
Press Contact Anita Hewitt. 323-648-9859
Arrest # 141207405
Pastor Beaten in Robbed in Crenshaw District.

On  February 25TH , around 5:30pm ,Pastor Bryant William Hewitt after finishing a private training session at a nearby gym, was severely beaten and robbed at Victoria and 67th Street, just two doors down from Where The Pastor and his Wife Evangelist Anita Hewitt live. Yet, within Minutes while police were at hand, the Criminal was arrested by the LAPD, and Identified by Pastor Bryant W. Hewitt.   The Pastor has suffered severe wounds on his left leg. And has suffered from Post-Concussion stress syndrome, double vision, and  has occurred two Grand Mall seizures. With neck and right shoulder injuries.

Pastor Bryant William Hewitt, was training for the up and coming Marathon Season, where he was to compete in the Los Angeles Marathon. Of which he ran and completed last year. Since 2013, he has improved his time, to where in one of the last training sessions before the traumatic experience , he ran a 2:37:43. Focusing on from last year’s race, Hot Yoga Training for the legs and Core for 90 days, Core and Buttock exercises, that have brought this 55 year old to run with professionals half his age. Along with minor weight training. Bryant William Hewitt was averaging over 105 miles a week. Plus sprints and hill training 4 times a week. Depending on what the Doctors say, he will still compete in the last 3 World Majors in 2014, starting with Berlin Germany, Chicago, the New York City. Bryant William Hewitt, is aiming to compete in the San Diego Marathon, on June 1st.

On top of what this experience has tried to stop, it has not stop that Pastor Bryant and Evangelist Anita Hewitt, lead a major ministry, that has transformed life’s throughout the world. And the word of God that they do preach, shall never be compromised. www.bryanthewitt.com


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