Monday, June 30, 2014
June 24th visit trigger point injections, to multiple muscles at Physical Medicine . Lidocaine injections.
Right Side of neck. Trigger Point injection, on June 24th Patient visit to Physical Medicine.
Tigger point injection on patient visit (Bryant Hewitt ) at Physical Medicine Doctor on Left side of neck,June 24th
Myofascial pain syndrome, with lumbosacral radiculopathy. With segmental and somatic dysfunction of rib cage. Trigger point injections of multiple muscles. Two ribs were dislocated, from Grand Mal sezuire on June 16th. 13 Grand Mal Sezuire since injury
Trigger point injections of muscle nerve damage, of Physical Medicine Doctor. June 3rd, from injuries of beating 02/25/2014.
Trigger point injections on base of back, from injuries of beating 02/25/2014
June 3rd ,. Trigger point injections total of (8) .Picture showing at right base of the neck, and bottom right shoulder. Trigger points from beating of 2/25/2014.
Trigger point injections (8) on June 3rd. From nerve and muscle damage of beating. Dateline of Crime 02/25/14.
This is a log of Bryant William Hewitt medical log with Doctor and treatment visits. As of this date Bryant W. Hewitt has had 14 Grand Mal Sezuire's, which is equal to having 3-4 electrical storms in the brain a month. With 411 (that I have seen)Petit Mal sezuire's, since February 25th. With the primary concentration, bringing control of the Grand Mals.
Pictures are updated from May 22 to today ,
Thank You,
Anita Hewitt
Log of Injuries and Crime to Bryant W; Hewitt.
Contact information;
Detective Fong In Charge of Case.
213-485-417 38320@lapd.lacity,og
7600 Broadway, Los Angeles,CA, 90003
Senior Lead Officer Gary Verge
213-847-2817 office
213-387-9607 cell
same address as above
Officer II
same address as above
Officer Rakitis
Responded to Witness intimidation.
Victim’s Program DA’S office
Ivone Samariego
210 West Temple Street
213-625-8104 Fax
Connie Arambula
DA’S office
Roberto Escobar
Booking Number 3876530
Bail:$50,000. paid 10%
Court number BA42190
arrest # 141207405
Rearrested March 19th, Bail at $ 1,060,000.00
March 19th ,830am
210 Temple street
5th Floor,Room 30
Preliminary Trial
April 1st, Tuesday 8:30am
Department 38, 3rd floor
210 Temple Street
Entire injury picture. Double vision,ringing in the ears, dizziness, right
shoulder strain with
ligament damage,right neck strain,post stress
disorder,enhanced bipolar and depression,with post concussion syndrome. increased seizures,sleep disorder with nightmares. Left hamstring strain with left calf strain. Bryant William Hewitt is walking with a Cain. Over right ear is indentation of the skull, which has caused intense head trauma with migraines.
February 25th, 2014,
Bryant William Hewitt After finishing a training session for the up and coming Marathon 2014 season, Bryant Hewitt while coming off the 40 Metro Bus, on 67th and Crenshaw. (Bryant William Hewitt boarded the bus at slauson and Crenshaw) Was being harassed by one Roberto Escobar. After a series of verbal threats and attacks, Neighbor came to Bryant William Hewitt’s aid. First name of Neighbor’s son Robert./
First 911 call came on Bryant William Hewitt’s Phone at 323-915-9022, Between the times of 5:15pm and
5:30 pm. Robert
and Roberto Escobar took their exchange of arms swinging
up Victoria in the direction of 71st street.Police Officer that latter would be identified as Officer Verge, Spoke to each person then drove in the direction on Victoria towards Hyde Park. Where he parked two houses from the corner of Victoria and 67TH.
Roberto Escobar would then run in the direction of Bryant William Hewitt, where he would assault and would first slam Bryant Hewitt on the sidewalk, then Bryant William Hewitt would run to 3459 West 67th Street, where he would hit his upper right head upon the fence, Would be hit also on the same part of the skull. Then hit on the face, right side, and left leg was repeatedly kicked. Criminal Roberto Escobar, would end the fight by robbing Bryant Hewitt of his Cell Phone, that was in Bryant Hewitt’s left hand and still connected to 911. Then Criminal Roberto Escobar would reach into Bryant Hewitt’s Right pocket and
Rob his
wallet. Entire Phone operation was shut down by Anita Hewitt, in 2
Minutes, one ministry check that was in the wallet. All checks were made into a “don’t pay” mode.
Neighbors would come to Bryant William Hewitt’s aid, where a mild concussion did occur. Bryant Hewitt needed help in getting up, where his entire long sleeve xxx white tie shirt was torn off.
And Bryant William Hewitt could not walk a straight line, and needed to hold on to the fence to walk two doors down to 3469 West 67th, Where Bryant Hewitt lives with his wife Anita, who is a stroke survivor, and is going through treatment of the side effects of the stroke.
2nd 911 Call
Second call came on Anita Hewitt’s line of 323-648-9859, between 5:35 pm and 5:50pm. Operator picked up on the concern and informed Bryant Hewitt that the police are in the area, and will arrive shortly. Operator stayed with the call with Bryant
William Hewitt until Female and Male
officer arrived. Where after a few minutes of speaking, Female officer told Bryant William Hewitt that The Criminal in question was arrested and needed for Bryant William Hewitt to verify that this was indeed the person.Verification was made, on Hyde Park, between Victoria and Crenshaw.Same two officers drove Bryant William Hewitt back in the direction of 67th, and Victoria. Where Officer Verge was taking a report from Robert. Two officers were told they needed to come back to Hyde Park and Officer Verge would finish the Report. And would drive both Bryant William Hewitt and Robert Home..Report was finished in the Police Car.
3rd 911 CALL
Officer Verge would call @ 6:22 pm, shortly after that Bryant William Hewitt would be rushed to the emergency room.(Kaiser Cadillac) with Ringing in his ears, double vision, upper chest pains, Right rib pain, upper right skull pain, and Contusions on the upper
Cheek. Trouble walking.And did have a Cat
scan. Treatment of his Right shoulder and neck with Left leg injuries and bruises. With vital signs higher than usual.
February 26th,27th Wednesday ;And Thursday.
Bryant William Hewitt would go through the Worst of Day of His Injuries. Major Head Trauma, Intense Double Vision, and Ringing in Both Ears. Leg injuries of Bruising would began to show on Left Leg, on Hamstring and Left Calf. Would spend the next two Days in a darken room with no light, that Anita Hewitt would do for Husband Bryant Hewitt. Bryant Hewitt the night of the 26th would have a Grand Mal Seizure.
On February 26th, Anita Hewitt acting on her Husband's Behalf contacts Jackie Lacy’s office DA Of Los Angeles County. Emergency room Nurse and Doctor informed Anita Hewitt of the Victims assistant Program through the DA’S office.
On February 27th, in the mid Morning. Detective
Fong, would
inform Bryant Hewitt that Roberto Escobar made
bail late the previous night.
February 28th, Bryant Hewitt along with Wife Anita Hewitt follow up with primary Doctor. Dr. Soong. Scat Scan is ordered, Experiencing Post stress disorder, Post concussion syndrome, and enhanced depression.
March 1st , Saturday. Anita Hewitt contacts various Marathons, including Frank Mccourt office and sponsors. That Bryant Hewitt due to these intense Symptoms, will be pulling out of the LA Marathon, Hollywood Half, and Boston Marathon. Bryant Hewitt is now walking with a cain. And is unable to sleep at all. Averaging 1-2 hours of sleep per night.
Medical Follow Ups of The Week of March 3-March 7th.
March 3rd, Monday. Bryant W.Hewitt visits Muscle specialist Dr. Benton, cannot turn his right side of the neck, without turning his entire right side. 10 trigger point injections are placed into Bryant
Hewitt’s right
side of his shoulders and neck. Dr. Benton orders
complete bed rest.
March 4th, Tuesday. Bryant W. Hewitt goes to Physical Therapy, where specialist Dr,. Mike Lockwood, goes over details of the symptoms, and with Dr. Bentons approval orders X-RAYS of Bryant Hewitt’s Neck. 10 X-RAYS of Neck.
March 7th, Bryant Hewitt has appointment with therapist, intense Bipolar disorder, and Post stress disorder. With Lack of Sleep and more frequent seizures, OF The Grand Mal. Anger is coming out of Bryant Hewitt, as never demonstrated in Years.
Medical Follow Ups of The Week of March 10th-14th
March 10thnull
March 13th, Thursday. Bryant Hewitt follows up with Therapist .Informed that all depression symptoms, Including Bipolar and Post Stress disorder have enhanced, and time will be a healer of all.
March 16th- 22ND
Two Grand Mal seizures, during this week. Still
walking with a cain. Due
to injuries and speaking to the advocate of the
Victims of Crimes through the DA’S office, will not go to the arraignment on March 19th. Advocate calls on the 20th to give Preliminary trial information.
March 19th : Roberto Escobar rearrested.
Medical Follow ups week of March 24th-28th
March 25th; Physical Therapy with Dr. Michael Lockwood, After one month Bryant Hewitt is able to Move right arm @ minor 45 degrees, Neck is still unable to make a complete turn. Cannot lift right arm up over his head.
March 26th With Therapist. Night spikes of Temperatures continue, along with lack of sleep. Averaging 1 Hour of sleep per night. Pain in left Leg at a 9/10.
March 27th; Professional Trainer and Friend to Bryant W. Hewitt, advices along with Wife Anita Hewitt and Doctors recommendations, that a 4th Marathon (½ Marathon) that was to be calendered in
June of 2014, will need to be
cancelled. This evening Bryant W. Hewitt has another
Grand Mal seizure
March 31st- April 5th
March 31st. Night before Court, Two women come to the Door of Bryant and Anita Hewitt threatening comments and asking to speak to Anita Hewitt in reference to Court date the following morning. Bryant W. Hewitt advises them to leave, the Police are being called. Two hours later, they are again in front of the side of the house.
April 1st Court, police report given to attorney and full LAPD team already notified. Of what happened the night before..Next court date April 23rd. informed of the rearrest of Roberto Escobar. Session ends with Prosecuting attorney David, representing Bryant William Hewitt asking if Robert Diaz was in court. Robert Diaz was not in court.
Close to two weeks later, after going over the events of February 25th and speaking to the manager of the gym
(Black Diamond )Tommy. And the following
was emailed to a less than cooperative Detective Fong,
prior to April 1st court day.That three- four days prior to the crime inflicted to Bryant Hewitt. Two men one 5’6’’ Bald late twenties,Spanish with a large build and another man 5’8’’-5’10’’, medium build early thirties, dark hair, appeared at the gym he did wear a ponytail. Facially looks like Robert Diaz And was in court on this day , about to pass himself off as Robert Diaz. Robert Diaz is 5’4’’ small to medium build early twenties. Wife to Bryant W. Hewitt, has known Robert Diaz since he was born, lives two doors down from the Hewitt household.
April 2nd: Speaks with MD. Therapist, medication of sleep disorder changed. Pain in Left leg 10/10. Cancellation of appointments the rest of the day. Bryant Hewitt and wife advise medical team still unable to stay on internet for more than 10 minutes without a
migraine, being brought out.
April 3rd
Advises Therapist of experiences from the 31st of March to
the 1st of April
April 7th-11th.
April 8th; With Physical Therapist, improvement the same, range of motion at 40%, after movements of therapy at 45%. This is of the right shoulder and arm and neck. Left leg coming across as if possible nerve damage, is affecting the left hip with tightness.
April 9th At Physical Medicine MD. Doctors confirms what Physical Therapist and Running coach feared, Nerve damage in left leg. Pain starts at the bottom of the left buttock, ends at the end of the left calf. Treatment given of Anesthetic Epidural. Injections of Steroids. Injection made into the left S1 lower part of the Spine. Which does send the steroid to the left leg. Bryant W. Hewitt was able to relax this day, had two hours of sleep. Along with right chronic neck pain. Increased in Pain
April 10th; With Therapist, rested and self
assured healthier days are ahead,.
April 11th;
With leading Neurologist that was referred to Bryant W. Family. Medication readjusted for seizure disorder for the 3rd time, since being beaten and robbed Concern for increased Grand Mals and lack of sleep, inform Dr. Jane Hwang of full symptoms, Ringing in the ears, dizziness, Short term memory loss, night fears and sweats, at night physical pain ranges from 9/10 to 10/10 .With Petit Mals, averaging 4 a day since Bryant Hewitt was Beaten and Robbed.
April 14th-19th
April 14th, lack of sleep continues has not slept since April 9th.
April 16th. With BiPolar group. Speaks in detail of reliving the whole event.
April 21st-25th
April 22nd; Physical Therapy showing the same grade of motion, leg is in pain 9/10. Motion for the first time is
beginning to be more flexible.
April 23rd. Court, with Amendment added
due to injuries. Bryant Hewitt was on Witness stand for close to
half n hour before lunch, and 45 minutes after lunch.
April 24th; With Visit to PrImary Care Provider, the week of April 15- April 22nd Bryant William Hewitt Lost consciousness 4 x. Primary Care Provider ordered stress test started with EKG, to see if this was Heart related or Seizure related. At the time orders were CARDIOVASCULAR STRESS TEST USING REGADENOSON,SUP,INTERP, AND RPT 993015 CPT(r))MN MYOCARDIAL PERFUSION IMAGING TOMOGRAPH MULTIPLE STUDIES W WALL MOTION AND EJECT REFERRAL CARDIOLOGY 9200267)
With Visit to Physical Care Provider, In Physical Medicine . Pain in Left leg after previous Epidural was still at a 9/10. With usual grade of 40% improvement. Injection of Steroid, Anesthetic Epidural, Lumbar or Caudal (62311 cpt ®)
April 25th;
Appointment with therapist going over Post stress disorder and Bipolar disorder and other
April 27th; Old Runner
partners come over to try to stretch out with Bryant Hewitt, only partial victory.
April 29th; Old Running Partners come back over to house to again to work with Bryant Hewitt, again only partial victory. Longer routine. Deeper Sweat. Friends leave with Bryant Hewitt having difficulty breathing.
May 1st; Physical Therapy. Left leg for first time is showing signs of improvement ,right arm able to reach to the chin without pain. Migraines still intense . Problem breathing after Physical Therapy. That night cancels Dentist appointment for breathing issue.
May 3-5. Hurts at time when walking on the left side, with difficulty when breathing.
Map 6th; With Therapist, unable to sleep since beating, increase of petit malls and Grand Mals
May7th; Have Grand Mal Seizure in Mid morning, lose break feast and possible meds, unable to
remember surrounding without wifes help.
May 8th;Appointment with Psychiatrist, Wife Anita Hewitt present with husband Bryant Hewitt in the waiting room. Bryant Hewitt tells wife that he is having trouble breathing, and feels that someone just sat on his chest. Wife ask staff to bring out nurses and to call 911, since her husband is having the signs of a heart attack. Bryant Hewitt given stress test 4 hours prior to being released on tread mill, connected to heart monitor. Was to hit 165mbs, did hit 100mbs. Did have EkG two -three days prior through Primary Care Doctors Orders.
Is rushed to the Hospital, test are made. Not a heart attack. Bryant Hewitt along with Wife Anita Hewitt is released 9 hours later back home.
May 9th Appointment with Primary Medicine Doctor Cancelled to May 14th.
May14th; Primary
Care Physician goes over notes of emergency room and to be fitted for heart monitor for black outs, to
be worn for 24 hours.
Dr. Benton , Primary
Provider in the physical medicine department, goes over every detail of the seizures and the injuries of the beating, that while Bryant Hewitt was having a Grand Mal Seizure, he landed on the 4th left rib that was already dislocated from the beating from Roberto Escobar. Leg is improved from 9/10 to 4/10.
May 15th Physical Therapy. Doctor in Charge of Bryant Hewitt’s case goes over Physical Medicines Doctors Notes, and places 4th rib back in place.
May 15th ; Remaining of Stress Test cancelled, not matching what was written in the letter. All Doctors notified of concern of too much radiation by Bryant Hewitt
May 16-19; Breathing Fine.
May 20th; Two Grand Mal Seizures. both 45 minutes apart. Both brought on vomiting, and lost prior
medicine. Neurologist called. Trouble contacting over KP.ORG
May 21st; Bryant Hewitt
insist to go amongst escorts to Psychiatrist office,
breathing is fine. Bryant Hewitt is exhausted. Goes straight home to sleep. New Medication ordered for assistance with Migraines.
May 23 ; Physical Therapy appointment is cancelled.
May 24th. At 10:45 am, while Bryant Hewitt is coming from a walk around the yard he has is fourth Grand Mall of the Month. Before the long weekend is over The Neurologist is contacted over, and medicine is discussed. Anita Hewitt is the primary caregiver when speaking to the Doctors.
May 31st. X-rays of left Ribs. Will not show that ribs are dislocated Left4
June 2nd. Grand Mal sezuire last over 3 minutes. Trouble breathing in the morning, does not want to cancel Dr. Benton's appointment.
June 3rd. Physical Medicine
Appointment. Left posteriorly subluxed right rib 4, with inhalalation restriction at left ribs 1-4, right rib 8
tenderness to palpating with exhalation restriction ribs
June 4th. Physical Therapy . Shoulder excersice with showing restrictions in arm and left leg. Left leg restriction , primary concern from strain of left hip from injury due to beating.
June 5th. Craniosacral Therapy begins, to repair damage of right hemisphere of brain.
June 6th. Grand Mal Sezurire last over 4 minutes. Vomits several times. Retakes medicine
June 10th. Appointment with Dr. Hwang ,Neurologist. Goes over increase of Tobiramate to 300 mg in the morning and evening.
June 10th .2:30pm .physical therapy appointment. Ramping up for stress test at cardiology on Thursday the 12th. Managed 113mps. For final two minutes. Total length of time 5 minutes. Pain level of left leg, spiked to 7, did
shoulder and leg motions.
June 12th Craniosacral therapy. Purpose to repair Right Hemisphere of brain.
Damaged by beating.
June 12th. Cardiology
appointment cancelled due to, safety concerns that Bryant Hewitt is still walking with Cain. Dr. Nidhi Thareja Of cardiology, goes over actual target range of someone Bryant Hewitt age, 55 . Which is 150mps. Not 185, as was said during stress test prior to May 8th, emergency room . With signs of Heart attack. Dr. Thareja will correct technician, that assisted Bryant Hewitt during the test.
June 13th With Therapist, goes over enhanced depression caused by increase Grand Mal and Petit Sezuire disorder.
June 16th. Grand Mall Seizure. 13 since beating. Last over 4 minutes.
June 19th Appointment with therapist cancelled as Bryant Hewitt gets sick on transport.
June 19th. Afternoon much better, keeps Carniosacral therapy
appointment. To repair the right hemisphere of the brain , damaged by the beating.
,June 24th. Physical
Medicine Appoinment. Two ribs out of place. Mayofascial pain
syndrome , lumbosacral radiculopathy,segmental and somatic dysfunction of rib cage.
June 29th . Grand Mal Sezuire . Between 6:00am &6:30am. 14th Grand Mal since injury. Last just under five minutes.
June 30th. Unable to keep food down ,until evening. Contacts Dr. Hwangs office concerning Grand Mal. And informs Doctor on call that Bryant Hewitt has had 4 petit mals in a 24 hour period. Bryant Hewitt has 3 blackouts in addition to the Sezuire's. Is able to keep food down in the evening. In the afternoon around 1pm, speaks to attorney Eric Siddlle.
Matthew 22:37 Food For The Soul: Evan: Anita Hewitt 6/30/14
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
Dear Lord, I thank You for Your endless love even when I was unloveable and I have turned my back against You, You still loved me. Thank You Lord.~Amen~
Thank You For Your Support:
Sunday, June 29, 2014
Ephesians 2:8 Food For The Soul: Evan. Anita Hewitt, 6/29/14
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Thank You Lord, for Salvation, Mercy and Your Grace. I can't make it on my own.......~Amen~
Thank You Lord, for Salvation, Mercy and Your Grace. I can't make it on my own.......~Amen~
Saturday, June 28, 2014
John 4:14 Food For The Soul: Evan. Anita Hewitt 6/28/14
But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life.
Dear Lord, please let me be forever thirsty for Your word. Your World is a wellspring of everlasting life......~Amen~
Thank You For Your Support:
Friday, June 27, 2014
1 John 1:9 Food For The Soul: Evan. Anita Hewitt 6/27/14
If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Dear Lord, I Thank You that all of my sins are forgiven and that it will never be held against me ever again. Today I will walk in forgiveness as Jesus forgave me......~Amen~
Thank You For Your Support:
Thursday, June 26, 2014
Psalm 130:5 Food For The Soul: Evan. Anita Hewitt 6/26/14
I wait for the Lord, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for patience. I will wait on You Lord my hope is in You and my faith will blossom !!!
Thanks For Your Support:
Wednesday, June 25, 2014
Romans 8:28 Food For The Soul: Evan. Anita Hewitt 6/25/14
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.
Dear Lord, please help me understand that all things work together for my good, even when I don't see it or understand it. It is the will of God because my heart loves You Lord!!! Please don't forget to put love into action today!!! ~Amen~
Thank You For Your Support:
Monday, June 23, 2014
1 Corinthians 16:14 Food For The Soul: Evan. Anita Hewitt 6/23/14
Let all your things be done with charity.
Dear Lord, please help me in my love walk this week. Charity is not about talking about it, it is about being about it! Putting Love into action. So let's focus on " Putting Love Into Action" this week with someone.......~Amen~
Thank You For Your Support:
Saturday, June 21, 2014
Psalm 91:11 Food For The Soul: Evan. Anita Hewitt 6/21/14

For he shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways.
Dear Heavenly Father I thank You Lord for You divine protection keeping me from seen and unseen danger........~Amen~
Thank You For Your Support:
Friday, June 20, 2014
Proverbs 3:5-6 Food For The Soul: Evan. Anita Hewitt 6/20/14
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.
Dear Heavenly Father, as I look at all the many blessings and I know it is not by my hands it was made. It was only by You Lord!! I'm learning to trust You Lord, more and more through life's circumstances and truly say I Trust You Lord!.......~Amen~
Thank You For Your Support:
Thursday, June 19, 2014
Psalm 150:6 Food For The Soul: Evan. Anita Hewitt 6/19/14
Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.
Dear Heavenly Father, I can't breath without you Lord!! You are the air that I breath! There's no me without you Lord!! you can praise your way through every situation......~Amen~
Thanks For Your Support:
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 Food For The Soul: Evan. Anita Hewitt 6/17/14
Rejoice evermore. Pray without ceasing. In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.
Heavenly Father, You said "Pray Yee For One Another." when we realize that there is power in prayer and someone called out your name and still is calling out our names ..... Thank You Jesus......~Amen~
Thank You For Your Support:
Monday, June 16, 2014
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 Food For The Soul: Evan. Anita Hewitt 6/16/14
Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. Charity never faileth: but whether there be prophecies, they shall fail; whether there be tongues, they shall cease; whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You for your undying love for me. I would be lost without You Lord, I can't breath without You Lord.....Thank You for loving me.......~Amen~
Thank You For Your Support:
Saturday, June 14, 2014
Psalm 34:1,3 Food For The Soul: Evan. Anita Hewitt 6/14/14
I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. O magnify the Lord with me, and let us exalt his name together.
Dear Lord, I will praise You in the good times and in the rough times because I know You are in control on my life. You see the beginning and the ending of all things......~Amen~
Dear Lord, I will praise You in the good times and in the rough times because I know You are in control on my life. You see the beginning and the ending of all things......~Amen~
Thank For Your Support :
Friday, June 13, 2014
Jude 1:21 Food For The Soul: Evan: Anita Hewitt, 6/13/14
Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
Dear Lord Jesus, my soul do love You Lord. Even when I was I wasn't lovable You Lord loved me.......~Amen
Thank You For Your Support:
Monday, June 9, 2014
Psalm 27:6 Food For The Soul: Evan Anita Hewitt 6/9/14
And now shall mine head
be lifted up above mine enemies round about me: therefore will I offer
in his tabernacle sacrifices of joy; I will sing, yea, I will sing
praises unto the Lord.
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You Lord for keep me and my family from all harm and my love ones and friends. Today I just have an attitude of gratitude I'm truly grateful for everything Lord You've done in my life......that's why I lift my hands and "Praise The Lord."
Thank You For Your Support:
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Psalm 46:10 Food For The Soul: Evan. Anita Hewitt 6/4/14
Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.
Dear Lord, I thank You for stepping in my life when no else was there, and becoming Lord of my Soul......~Amen~
Thank You For Your Support:
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